During play type any of the following (press return after each one you type):

"NOENEMIG"--Makes all enemies disappear
"COMENZAR"---Makes all enemies reappear
"ABRIR"-----------------Opens all doors
"BLAST"-------------Set off smart bombs
"MUNICION"--------------More ammunition
"ETAPAUNO"--Moves you one level or zone
"NOAMETZ1"----No machine guns in zone 1
"NOAMETZ2"----No machine guns in zone 2
"NOAMETZ3"----No machine guns in zone 3
"NOAMETZ4"----No machine guns in zone 4
"NOCAMZ1"----------No cameras in zone 1
"NOCAMZ2"----------No cameras in zone 2
"NOCAMZ3"----------No cameras in zone 3
"NOCAMZ4"----------No cameras in zone 4
"CONGRA"--------------Complete the game

Here are a few more to try: "ETAPADOS", "LISTADOS", and "CUADRICU".